Reading Corner

The E-Myth Revisted

Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It - by Michael Gerber.

Why Read It? A must read for any small business owner or for any aspiring entrepreneur. The eMyth (or Entrepreneur Myth) is that great businesses are started by someone with good technical skills, be that a solicitor, florist or programmer. They start their own business to escape the drudgery of working for someone else and strike gold. This is the myth because many successful small business owners work far longer hours, hate much of their working day and don’t actually make that much money. In fact, many of them would be happy to go back and work for ‘the man’. Gerber inspires the small business owner to implement processes and systems based on the franchise model to allow the owner to work ‘on’ the business, not ‘in’ the business.

What You Will Learn… Gerber dispels the myths surrounding starting your own business and shows how commonplace assumptions can get in the way of running a business. The life of the business from entrepreneurial infancy through adolescent growing pains, to the maturation of the business, is examined to enable you to grow your business in a predictable and productive way.

Click HERE to download the full edition of The Business Accelerator Magazine for June 2014.

Other articles in this edition:

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